Two open PhD positions in Network Science / Social Network Analysis & Fairness

The group currently has two open PhD positions. The first position (deadline: September 1, 2024) is with Frank Takes and Eelke Heemskerk at the University of Amsterdam and deals with Population-scale Networks. It is part of the newly set up inter-university Platform for Large-scale Analysis of NETworks Netherlands (PLANET-NL) computational social science initiative:…

Find us at the Sunbelt 2024 conference in Edinburgh

At the 44th INSNA International Conference on Social Network Analysis (Sunbelt) in Edinburgh, Scotland UK, held from June 24 to June 30, 2024, several people affiliated with the POPNET project on Population-scale Social Network Analysis as well as the Leiden Computational Network Science (CNS) group, will give talks. An overview…

Vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher (3 years) in Network Science

The network science group of LIACS, Leiden University is looking for a new postdoc. The advertised position is for 3 years, and offers freedom in terms of which network science topic will be worked on by the candidate. Interested, but not sure if you should apply? Feel very welcome to…

Leiden CNS group at Netsci 2023

Several members of the Leiden Computational Network Science group are present at the 2023 edition of NetSci, the International School and Conference on Network Science, which takes place 10-14 July 2023 in Vienna, Austria. Precise dates and times of our presentations will be announced below in due time as the…

Leiden CNS at Sunbelt 2023

Our group is present at the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) Sunbelt conference from June 27 to July 1 in Portland, Oregon. Speakers include the following Leiden Computational Network Science group members and affiliates from, e.g., the POPNET project and elsewhere within LIACS:

CNS @ Conference on Complex Systems 2022

The groups two postdocs, being Carolina and Eszter, are present at the CCS 2022 conference. Tue Oct 18, 17:15-17:30 Circulation of a digital community currency, by Carolina Mattsson, Teodoro Criscione and Frank Takes Fri Oct 21, 11:45-12:00 Excess closure in a multilayer population-scale social network, by Eszter Bokanyi, Eelke Heemskerk,…

Vacancy: 3-year Postdoc in Network Science

The Computational Network Science group is expanding, and there is currently a vacancy for a 3-year postdoc. The postition offers a lot of freedom in a warm and friendly environment. Interested? Feel free to always reach out informally, before officially applying. For details, see the university website’s vacancy detailing the…

Leiden CNS @ IC2S2 2022

Several members of the CNS team and POPNET project are present at the 8th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2022) in Chicago. Wednesday July 20, 1:20 – 2:20: Circulation of a digital community currency. Carolina Mattsson and Frank Takes (poster session 1) Wednesday July 20, 1:20 – 2:20:…